Monday, March 19, 2007

wonders never cease...

just about the time you think that God is busy elsewhere in the universe and the edge of prayers feels a little desperate...there's always a big surprise (and it's not ever what you expect...after all, what did you expect? He's GOD and HE's bigger than your imagination!)
So John of medical mystery fame was basically comatose last week. They were just waiting on him to die. Curl up the toes and go.
But God.
As the scripture says, "but God..."
John's now awake, speaking and eating again after more than a week of no food.
miracles abounding. a life of miracles crowned by one more day of miracles.

on other fronts, a lovely young girl named Alese Coco was scheduled to have a shunt/port put in last wednesday, preparing for stem cell transplants. She was already weak as a kitten (or maybe the flea on the kitten)...and the surgeon slipped. he cut a vein in her lung, it collapsed, bleeding into her chest cavity ensued...and by friday, the docs were asking her folks to make "end of life" decisions.
but sunday morning (you know how Jesus has this thing for resurrections on Sunday mornings...)
they did xrays.
there was no sign of bleeding in the chest. no clots. no nothing.
the vein has healed itself, they say. the lung has reinflated.
another one wearing out death's door mat steps away.
and the miracles go on.
be aware. they're everywhere
for the poor in spirit, the pure in heart,
desperate for Jesus' touch
and willing to see God in every situation,
Sure, He's busy.
But never too busy for you.

go to
and check it out. pray for this one fighting hodgkin's. more miracles await. keep looking!

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